With all of my implied hagiography, I am aware
of the fallen Merton. As a young man in pre-World
War II London, Merton fathered a child. He did not assume responsibility for
the mother or child, and that leaves me stone cold. After the war, and after he
had become a priest, from the monastery, Merton sought to inquire about them.
He discovered that mother and child had been killed in the blitz.
I know of conservative Catholics who make the accusation
that Merton was going to convert to Buddhism. One friend of mine even asserted that that is what prompted his trip to Bangkok (where he died from an accidental electrocution.) That is nonsense. He simply had a very intense intellectual and
experiential interest in the Eastern religions. Merton was no fool. He knew who
he was.
I just discovered an interesting book titled, Thomas Merton’s Art of Denial: The Evolution of a
Radical Humanist, by David D. Cooper, which I must read next. The book is
supposedly about the conflict that Merton experienced between being an
anonymous monk with vows of silence and stability, and that of being a world
famous, best selling writer and intellectual. Some accuse him of not being sufficiently obedient to his role and vows as a monk. That is nonsense. We all struggle in life and monks are no different. As per reviews, in his middle
years Merton struggles with the fact that his experience of monastic life is
not the way he imagined it when he was young. He ultimately resolves this
conflict by turning his formidable intellect and writing talent towards writing
against war—all wars, but especially the Vietnam War, and against the Atomic
arms race.
When Merton was an older man and world famous, while being
hospitalized for an illness, he became friends with one of the nurses. Afterwards,
they maintained a relationship. I do not hold that against him, but most people
consider it to have been a violation of his monastic vows. No one knows if it
was a sexual relationship or not and some people have said that it would not
have been. It doesn’t matter now, as God
forgives, but the relationship is what is preventing his cause for sainthood
from moving forward.
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